Thursday 4 February 2016

A Pigeon Comes Home

A Pigeon Comes Home
Where is the choice, when your heart is big?  
After much discussion it was decided, Carole would drive me home as I held the pigeon.  Periodically I would exclaim “I don’t want a pigeon to look after!”.    Carole is a beautiful soul, who made no comment, simply continued to drive me back to my house.    I wasn’t sure what to do, I had seriously considered putting it back where I had found it.  But I knew it was badly injured, and the internal images that my brain conjured by signalled enough discomfort in my body to take it home until it was healed.
The big plan being, take it home.  Get it well.  Return it to the lake!
I had absolutely nothing for a bird!  I have three cats and a dog at home.  Hardly a safe place for a bird even as big as a pigeon.   I figured I would find a box somewhere and put it in that, then go retrieve my car and go from there.  My body was getting hot while gingerly holding the bird.  My mind was uncomfortable about the whole thing, and my emotions were kind of rainbow creating.  It takes rain and sun to get a good rainbow!
On arrival home, I felt blessed to see my Dad was home, (we live in properties where our back fences join, community is a great way to live.  My kids have loved it over the years, and sometimes I have had them ask “what’s for dinner Mum?”  once I have responded, they have said “what’s Grandma having?”   I have always laughed, if even in frustration and suggested they go and find out.   Nice to have choice as a child! yes?).  Dad would know what to do!
He took one look, asked me what I planned on doing with it, and without visually seeing him roll his eyes, I’m sure I felt it!  Before long he was back with an animal trap.  A big steel frame that is used for trapping possums’ and rodents.   So with many hands we quickly set it up on the dining room table.

With so much commotion, all of the animals in the house came to see what was going on, and for the first time, for safety purposes the dining room and lounge doors were closed, locking the cats and Puppy out when we weren't in the room.  I personally love open space, open door, and open windows.  This I determined was just for a couple of days until I could return it to the lake.

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